Word DDE Malware

Microsoft Word supports a legacy feature called DDE or "Dynamic Data Exchange" that provides an interface which can be used to launch new processes and download content. Not exactly what it was originally intended for, but a handy feature for malware authors.
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A Malware Firehose

As an aspiring Malware Researcher it is important to have a good source of samples to learn from and analyze. If you're looking for a modern, clean approch to malware feeds then I suggest perhaps checking out VirusSamples.com.
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Understand Shellcode with CyberChef

Add two parts cyber and one part input to produce a delicious recipe. All joking aside, [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/) is a pretty sweet tool that anyone in the cybersecurity community would likely find useful. It really is the entire kitchen sink with over 300 unique operations which can be combined in different ways to help analyze input data. Read on to learn more about using CyberChef.
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